Sydney Hills Environment
The Hills and The Hawkesbury Region is a treasure trove of nature that must be protected for future generations. Here's some easy ways in which you can help:
- Don't be a Tosser! Put your rubbish in a bin. Litter can make its way into creeks waterways including the Hawkesbury River . Collect a free car litterbag from The Hills Visitors Centre
Check for fire bansBefore you light a fire, check with the Rural Fire Service that there are no fire bans in place. Report any bushfires or suspicious smoke to the fire services - call 000 immediately.
- Report any pollution to the Environment Protection Authority by phoning 131 555. If you are on the water, note down on your map exactly where you saw it.
- If you are staying in small villages not serviced by town water, be water wise
- When bushwalking, stay on marked paths and camp in recognised camping areas. If you light a fire, use a properly constructed fireplace where possible and ensure it is fully extinguished before you depart.
- Avoid feeding native animals. It might seem cute or fun but wild animals can become reliant on humans for food, which takes away their natural instincts. This poses a greater risk to their survival in the animal world.
- If you see an injured native animal, contact WIRES wildlife rescue service on 1300 094 737.
Watch out for native wildlifeWatch out also for your pets if you take them on holiday with you. Don't let them chase after or injure native animals or birds. Remember, domestic pets are not permitted in any National Parks. Cumberland State Forest does allow dogs and The Hills Shire Council provides parks where dogs can exercise both on and off the leash.
- Please respect the rights of local residents by not trespassing on private property.
It's easy when you are on holidays to consume more than you normally would. You might take a longer shower, leave lights on or throw recyclable litter in a rubbish bin. Be aware of you actions. The environment never takes a holiday!
Preserve the environmentMost of all, when you are out and about in The Hills and The Hawkesbury, STOP OFTEN - listen, smell, look wide - and appreciate the environment that is around you!
Remember, looking after the environment is everybody's responsibility and everyone's reward. You don't have to be a "Greenie" to be Green! Let's work together to ensure that the next time you return to The Hills and The Hawkesbury Region, it will still be the beautiful, spectacular and pristine environment it is today.
See also:
- Parks and Reserves
- River Boating
- Must Do Activities
- Bella Vista Farm Park
- Art, Crafts, Antiques and Markets
- Nurseries and Rural Villages
- Farm Gate Trail
- St Albans
- Wisemans Ferry
- Picnic Spots and Reserves
- Walk the Bushlands of Bidjigal
- Blaze The Convict Trail
- Sydney Hills Environment
- Things To See and Do Home
- Visitor Information Home